Facebook data breach

Facebook data breach

Personal data more than 500 million users of the social platform Facebook were posted on a hacking forum in early April. These last months, confidential data leaks on large sites are multiplying. No one is safe from this kind of hacking. The data exposed includes...
Paid SEO: Google Ads

Paid SEO: Google Ads

What is paid SEO?   Paid SEO , or SEA for S earch E ngine AT dvertising, designates the sponsored ads present on search engines. These ads stand out very well from other links on search results pages because they are highlighted by Google . We are talking about...
Save your website

Save your website

Secure your site   Like the recent fire that devastated the servers of the famous host OVH in March 2021, no one is safe from an accident. Around 464,000 domain names and 3.6 million web servers who were connected to OVH were unavailable after the fire. For the...
Digital identity

Digital identity

What do we call digital identity?   Digital identity , also named Numeric identity or IDN , is the set of traces left on the internet by a company or an individual. This information is collected by search engines as you navigate the Web . A major issue in the...


Why should you list your website?   SEO   We cannot repeat it enough: without visibility a website no use. A little reminder of what the natural reference or SEO . This term refers to all the techniques used by search engine, as Google , to rank your site on...
Why put a blog on your website

Why put a blog on your website

What is a blog ?   A blog is a continuation of articles listed in order of creation on a website . Generally classified from the most recent to the oldest, giving a better visibility of a brand’s news, the articles focus on a specific theme and allow you to...