The colors of the web

The colors of the web

The symbolism of colors on the Internet   Colors that you use on the Web for your website should not be chosen at random. They are in part the key to the success of your digital image . The choice of colors therefore contributes to the quality of user experience...
The 10 e-commerce trends in 2021

The 10 e-commerce trends in 2021

The French payment solution PayPlug and the PrestaShop e-commerce platform join forces to unveil the 10 major trends in the e-commerce sector in 2021 . The current crisis of Covid-19 blew up the online business and forced many traders to take a digital shift to cope...
Cookies on the Internet

Cookies on the Internet

Update of March 05, 2021:   Google continues its path to meet the expectations of users by confidentiality . According to our source: BDM , Google continues to move forward on its project ” Privacy Sandbox “. This aims to delete third-party cookies to...
Media consumption in Switzerland for the year 2020

Media consumption in Switzerland for the year 2020

New trends in media consumption in Switzerland. According to the Digimonitor study . With the rise of teleworking in Switzerland , Following the Covid-19 , the year 2020 projects the use of smartphones and laptops in the front of the scene. The number of smartphone...
Social networks in 2020

Social networks in 2020

Social networks in 2020, what to remember? Many statistics circulate on the Web concerning the figures related to the various social networks . Swiss Lemon disentangles the true from the false and looks back on this year 2020. The most interesting statistic, which...
WhatsApp Privacy Policy

WhatsApp Privacy Policy

Update of February 19, 2021 After the postponement of the update of privacy data, WhatsApp returns to the subject with clearer communication to reassure its users. A banner will be displayed on its application in order to precisely explain the terms of the update....