Definition of digital communication


Also called digital communication , the digital communication includes all techniques use of digital media : Internet, social networks or cell phones.

It is also the digitization of the various communication media . Mainly become screens, individual and tactile. The changes relate not only to the use of these materials, but also to the activities and role of communication services.

Digital communication takes up the communication strategies and actions implemented on the web, to transmit messages likely to attract the attention of a target audience, with the final objective of improving the visibility and reputation of a company. .

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What are the goals of digital communication?


The primary objective of digital communication is of boost brand awareness or a website. This is where the SEO (natural referencing), sponsored ads or even the social networks .

Retain its customers is also a major objective of the digital communication . It will be necessary to ensure that the textual contents are well written, optimized and with high added value. The social networks again have a great deal of importance in the loyalty and engagement of a brand’s community.

In boosting brand awareness and building customer loyalty , we can therefore hope to experience economic growth and therefore achieve the ultimate goal of digital communication : increase turnover of a company.

Digital communication refers to the different digital media can bring visibility to a company … Thus, this type of dematerialized communication is intended to be closer to the consumer by offering regular, evolving content that is more easily transmitted from one person to another.


The essential tools for good digital communication


  • SEO : The “Search Engine Optimization “, defines all the techniques implemented to improve the position of a website on the results pages of search engines such as: Google, Bing, Yahoo … The objective of natural reference is improve the visibility of websites through many rules that respect the SEO.


  • SEA : or paid referencing : “ Search Engine Advertising “. These are the advertisements on the internet, the “sponsored advertisements” Google ads . They allow you to highlight the brands and products sold by your company, through advertising on search engines. To have a place in the search result pages by paid referencing , advertising space is purchased through keyword auctions. Most of the investments in publicity is done through the commercial links platform Google Ads.


  • The blog : Creating a business blog is a great way to optimize your visibility on digital media. High on the list of actions to be taken to boost its natural referencing. Creating relevant content is the number 1 key point of any self-respecting SEO strategy. Creating a blog will allow you to post quality content and use keywords that match your industry. The keywords correspond to queries searched by Internet users. The blog is a great gateway to your site.

blog website


  • Newsletter : Newsletter is a informative email sent regularly to your subscribers to keep in touch, promote your news or inform about trends. A newsletter gives the image of an active and dynamic site. It allows you to share your news but also to inform your readers. It can also be downloaded directly from your website.


  • Social networks : One of the best ways to promote your business, social platforms can, if properly used, enable you to to increase your visibility. We speak in particular of e-reputation : the reputation of your brand on the web. By changing the way of interacting with its customers, social networks facilitate the relationship between companies and their audience.

facebook confidential data


Website: the essential digital communication medium


In the digital field , it has become almost compulsory to have a website . You can shape it to your liking, according to your means and your goals. Showcase or e-commerce site , this support adapts to all types of businesses.

A good website it is therefore a site well positioned on the various search engines, through natural referencing, and which is present on social networks.

Communication possibilities, through a website , are multiple and can be adapted to all needs to achieve your goals:

  • Convey your image,
  • Establish your notoriety,
  • Gain visibility and credibility,
  • Present your business,
  • Distribute your services and products,
  • Highlight your know-how,
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition …


There are several types of website : Showcase site, e-commerce, blogs etc…

Depending on your expectations, being accompanied by a professional will undoubtedly save you from some mishaps.

The team Swiss Lemon in Geneva masters communication tools to guide you in your digital development and in the creation of website of your activity.

You have a project ?

Do you want to develop your business?

Think about the many benefits of digital communication .

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Digital in Switzerland


The number of Swiss internet users has more than doubled in the space of twenty years. Currently, 9 out of 10 people are online and more than 80% connect every day.

Digital children , aged 14 to 29, almost all use the Internet. Only 1% of this age group lives offline compared to 39% twenty years ago.

While most offline people are still found among people over the age of 70, they have discovered Internet in recent years: today, 63% of this age group are online, up from just 2% in 1999.
