Going digital: a source of hope in the midst of a pandemic


In these times of Covid-19 pandemic, many restrictions are imposed on us: new technologies make life and work easier for us.

The Swiss population has a positive view of the impact of digital communication , especially in the business sector.

Digitization has made great strides in recent months, in particular because of the current Covid-19 crisis. This 1,500-person poll by international strategy consulting firm Oliver Wyman shows that most Swiss citizens have positive opinions about the Internet and technology. (source: http://bit.ly/3r30Iyo )

Now, more than 60% of Swiss residents believe that internet-related jobs will develop and create jobs . It is even more verifiable in the sector Trade, where the advantages of Internet advances in full Coronavirus pandemic have saved many businesses thanks to to online shopping.

“The current pandemic has shown a large number of people the benefits of digital media. Remote viewing by video, for example, has reduced the risk of contamination in the workplace. In addition, many people have recently discovered, with the introduction of the SwissCovid app, that new technologies, such as contact tracing, are significantly simplifying important measures taken to combat the virus. ” (source: Kolja Dutkowski, Senior Digital Manager at Oliver Wyman )


covid and digital


Boosted productivity in Switzerland?


The Swiss economy increased its productivity significantly during the coronavirus crisis . In any case, this is indicated by a study by the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts quoted Sunday in the NZZ am Sonntag.

According to the analysis of the employers’ organization, the business productivity increased up to 16% whereas in normal times this increase is only 1% on average. The cause of this jump is explained by a greater drop in the volume of work compared to economic performance, indicates the chief economist of the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts (USAM) Henrique Schneider in the German Sunday newspaper. (source RTS )

This increase is said to be due to the fact that employees would have concentrated on the essentials of their work, having fewer daily tasks, and would have improved their work procedures. Telecommuting and the digital domain have enabled a more flexible economy and employees have become more productive.

Furthermore, telecommuting would allow a potential saving for companies. Despite a necessary investment in technological tools or in training, the savings can be substantial. It is also necessary to start from the principle that the work will be as efficient at home as in business.


Swiss Lemon is starting this digital shift with you


With a real marketing strategy , our communication agency supports you on a daily basis in order to launch your business in the world of digital . The Covid-19 pandemic rushed things, and a lot of questions remain unanswered when it comes to having a web presence.

There are many distribution channels: website, social networks , natural referencing of its site, but also the creation of Ads campaigns for your sponsored advertisements… the tools to take in hand are delicate and the task is tedious for certain companies which had not approached this field of communication.

By entrusting your digital communication to experts, you save time and money.

ask to Swiss lemon to carry out a free and non-binding audit of all your digital channels , and we will offer you the plan that best suits your needs.


The whole team of Swiss Lemon wish you a wonderful end of year celebrations, adopt barrier gestures and take care of our loved ones.